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The CUT (Clean Up Tioga/ Together) Campaign is focused effort to address challenges and beautification concerns in our neighborhood.  It has many components regarding the  improvement of the quality of life in our area including hosting monthly cleanups, operating a Block Captains Network, spearheading an underpass revitalization project, promoting 311, spearheading a green space initiatives and actively seeking opportunities to beautify the grounds near our homes



In Tioga we are challenged with a lack of green spaces for use as recreation, health and wellness, dog parks or any other purpose. Our city has a great park system, however too few green spaces are near where they're needed, our homes. In many areas of the city people live within 30 seconds of a green space, a place to relax, walk, run, play or just be. Here in Tioga, we are totally void of usable green spaces of any kind and we would like to be able to provide a public space for enjoyment. In addition, lack of green spaces contributes to deadly heat spikes. With these concerns, we are always seeking ways to beautify our area and make better use of the outdoor spaces that exist.

The community yearns for places to enjoy themselves or service themselves without driving a car to do so.   In keeping with the conversation on revitalization, we must mention vacant lots. Our ward alone has over 500+ parcels. Vacant lots in our neighborhood are typically considered nuisance areas filled with litter, weeds, tires and danger. However, through our lens we view a vacant lot as an opportunity for change and a chance to bring nature back into everyday life by using adjacent vacant lots to create high-quality outdoor spaces. This initiative will build upon the existing improved vacant lot space to build a park thus changing the look of the area, taking ownership of the land and discouraging negative activity. Everyone should have safe and comfortable green spaces and once completed, a community should expect:

• Greater access to a green space and an improved environment

• Increased social capital

• An improved local economy

• Greater health equity and outcomes

• Reductions in crime

UNNA has received a grant to bring green spaces to our area.  Stay tuned for ways to get involved in the process.

Stay tuned for updates and upcoming meetings or email complete the contact form to get connected(-:


In an effort to improve the situation and curb the short dumping crisis in our neighborhood., we are focusing on an underpass revitalization project to address the challenge presented.  Our plan is to revitalize the underpasses in a way that is striking and impactful enough to effect immediate change at the location as well as inspire everyone to do better in regards to litter and trash disposal neighborhood wide.  The revitalization of these underpasses will include painting, trash cans, lighting, cameras and ongoing monitoring/ maintenance, so that the change is noticeable and sends a permanent message of change.  We are nearing the end of the planning stages and looking forward to implementation in 2022 with the first location at 19th & Westmoreland St.   

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  • UNNA Block Captains Network

  • Providing cleanup rewards to blocks who participate (i.e., tshirts, cleaning signs, etc.)

  • Organize, promote and conduct monthly neighborhood wide cleanups (Mar-Nov)-Cleanups rotate throughout community with rotating rally points for supply pickup to engage more neighbors and promote engagement

  • Identify key dumping areas and use 3 tier process for reporting (multiple 311 reporting, local trash advisor, strategic placement of dumping signs)

  • Other targeted beautification initiatives

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